CNMA Committee Information
The California Nevada Moose Association (CNMA) has numerous committees supporting its mission. These committees are similar to the Lodge Standing Committees identified in The Moose General Laws and the Officers’ and Committeemen’s Handbook. The CNMA Bylaws, Article XV identifies the Standing Committees of an Association. The CNMA Policy Manual identifies additional committees that have been established that are unique to the our Association. The CNMA has also provided Committee Guidance that provides information on how these committees are structured and what member of the CNMA Executive Committee provides oversight of each committee.
Several of our Committees have their own webpage within this website. This section has been created to provide an overview of each committee. If a separate webpage exists within the site a link has been provided to that specific page which can also be found on the left hand section of the website.
The remaining committees are identified in this section so their purpose and accomplishments can be highlighted.