Moose Charities

Jason Evans
Moose Charities Chair
(209) 642-2079

Hello and Happy New Year!


The new year is upon us and many of our members are reflecting and reassessing some of their previous Moose goals or the lack their of. New Year’s resolutions are the ideal opportunity for creating a new goal. In this article, I will share with you the interesting realities about resolutions and give practical guidance on creating an effective resolution for the next Moose year.


4000 years ago the ancient Babylonians celebrated the New Year on the first new moon after the spring equinox. They called it Akitu, and it was a major festival that lasted 11 days. During the festival, the Babylonians made New Year’s resolutions to keep themselves in good standing with the gods. Then the Romans also began each year by making promises to their gods.


Nowadays 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. While nearly half of all Americans make resolutions, 25% of them give up on their resolutions by the second week of January.


But you don’t have to be in the 25% that fail. If you are a Moose and want to make change, consider donating or contributing to Moose Charities. The concept of giving has unbelievable emotional rewards that sooths your soul and warms your heart.


The concept of “giving” has a broad definition which can mean; giving monetarily, giving your time, giving your sound advice, giving a gift, etc. If you were to make a resolution “to give”, you would also need to consider what you have available to provide. This is the question that ultimately provides an effective and suitable failsafe resolution. Always consider what is available to give, then create the resolution.


Our CNMA Moose Charities Committee appreciates all types of giving that has been provided in the past and the future. Our membership has helped our Association raise the bar by leading the way in giving back to Mooseheart, Moosehaven and our local communities.


As we enter 2025, I would like to personally thank everyone who has given to CNMA Moose Charities. I would also like to encourage those who are searching for a new resolution to consider giving to Moose Charities in 2025. I promise you that your gift will be greatly appreciated.


Fraternally Yours,


Jason Evans
Chairperson, CNMA Moose Charities