Loss Prevention

Sam Hoffman

CNMA Loss Prevention Chair
(510) 295-9177


Moose International Risk Management

Phone: (630) 859-2000 xt 6615

Email: kduck@mooseintl.org

Loss Prevention is more than just theft, over pouring, trips and falls, or sexual harrassment. It is utilizing the many tools provided by Moose International for the financial and well-being of our lodges. Using the tools available will keep your lodge and members safe!

My Brothers and Sisters of The Moose,


I suppose introductions are first in order. My name is Sam Hoffman and I have accepted the position of Loss Prevention Chair for the California Nevada Moose Association (CNMA). You might ask why?


The majority of my life has been about loss prevention. As a firefighter/paramedic in the San Francisco Bay Area, I have pretty much seen all that can happen, to a person, a business, a city/community.


Loss of life and/or property are things that do not heal overnight, and the effects can last for years. Whether it is a member dying or suffering a serious injury or the devastation or damage to a Lodge.


So, it was with this in mind that I asked to be a CNMA Chair. I had the pleasure, prior to my appointment, of addressing the membership at our Annual Convention and Mid-Year Conference this past year. Currently, I am a committee member of one. Or am I? Safety in our Lodges is the responsibility of each one of us. Did you notice a slip hazard and not report it? Did you let your friend that had a little too much to drink in the Social Quarters drive themselves home? When was the last time your Lodge did a ;walk around’ at your facility to inspect the condition of the grounds, equipment, furniture? This job cannot be done by itself. I hope that every Lodge has a Loss Prevention or Safety Committee. You should! There are great resources available from Moose International. The Continuous Accident Prevention (CAP) booklet and Lodge Safety Report Edition which is a guide to filling out your Lodge Safety Report. All Lodges are required to submit this report to Moose International electronically using LCL Web no later than May 31st. The form is available on the Moose International website.


In November Moose International issued a newsletter that contained a great deal of information. Each of us should take the time to review it. It can be found on the Moose International website > Forms & Documents > Lodge Operations > Loss Prevention Resources. This document has lots of clickable link to other valuable documents including Hall Rental Coverage and Avoiding Claims and Lawsuits. There is also a Frequently Asked Questions page!


Finally, I am always here to help. If members would like to join the Loss Prevention Committee, please let me know. Until next time. See you at the Moose.


Fraternally yours,

Sam Hoffman

Training for Prevention

CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE MOOSE LODGES throughout the Fraternity for your earnest efforts to comply with the Alcohol Server Training Program. The effort put forth by all will be both impressive and advantageous when insurance renewal occurs at the beginning of each fiscal year.  It must be the commitment of the entire Fraternity to make sure that all Servers are trained when serving alcohol in the Lodge Social Quarters as we go forward.


The Chief Compliance Office would like to remind Administrators to be aware of the expiration date on their Servers Certification Card, which they receive after completing their training.  It is critical that Administrators keep track of expired cards because it could affect the entire Risk Pool program if an incident occurs with an untrained Server.  It is therefore important to make sure that copies of all Server cards be kept in the Lodge office in the event that they need to be produced at any point time.  As a Fraternity, we have made a commitment under our Risk Pool Insurance to comply with this program and the Risk Management Department thanks all the Lodges who have done so.

Training Will Reduce Risk

Alcohol Server Training: Now a mandatory Lodge training program for all Servers. Regardless of whatever program is used, Server must be re-certified within 3 years from the date of their original training.

Kitchen Training: Thorough training instruction should be given to any person, paid or volunteer on all kitchen equipment and appliances and no Lodge should allow minor children to work in their kitchen at any time.


Heavy lifting: Proper lifting techniques are also very important because injuries from improper lifting happen frequently when employees/volunteers lift items beyond their capability and do not take time to ask for help.

Hazardous Material/Chemicals: This includes flammable substances such as propane, paint, gasoline, and heating oil. Other items could also be cleaning substances that could be toxic or harmful to breath or cause a skin rash. Training and instruction should be done for all employees regarding the dangers of these substances.

Summer is here — Some things you should know about Heat Exhaustion.


The following article is courtesy of Lockton Affinity:


Heat exhaustion is one of three heat-related syndromes, with cramps being the mildest and heatstroke being the most severe.  While heat exhaustion is in the middle, this syndrome must be taken seriously.



Heat Exhaustion Causes:

According to the Mayo Clinic, your body needs to maintain a normal core temperature around 98.6F.  In hot weather your body cools itself by sweating.  However, when you overexert in hot, humid weather your body cannot cool itself efficiently.


This syndrome can also be caused by dehydration, alcohol use, and overdressing.  Certain factors can increase your sensitivity to heat including:


  • Young or old age – Infants and children younger than four and adults older than 65 are at a higher risk of heat exhaustion
  • Certain medication – Some medications affect your body’s ability to stay hydrated and respond appropriately to heat.  These can include high blood pressure and allergy medications.
  • Obesity – Carrying excess weight can affect your body’s ability to regulate the temperature and cause your body to retain more heat.
  • High Heat Index – When the humidity is high, your sweat can’t evaporate as easily and your body has more difficulty cooling itself, making you prone to heat exhaustion and heatstroke.



Heat Exhaustion Symptoms:

Symptoms or heat exhaustion may develop suddenly or over time and can include:


  • Cool, moist skin with goose bumps when in the heat
  • Heavy sweating
  • Faintness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Low blood pressure upon standing
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Headache


If you think you are experiencing heat exhaustion, stop all activity, rest and drink cool water.  Untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke, a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention to prevent permanent damage to your brain and other vital organs.



How to Prevent Members from Experiencing Heat Exhaustion

When hosting an outdoor event on a warm day, consider these tips:


  • Check for weather updates
  • Watch your local news for extreme heat alerts.  Consider moving events indoors or rescheduling if temperatures reach extreme levels.
  • Schedule outdoor activities carefully.  Try to plan events in the morning or evening.  If your event is in the afternoon, provide plenty of shaded areas and water.
  • Encourage loose-fitting, lightweight, and light-colored clothing
  • Provide plenty of fluids.  Sports drinks can replace salt and minerals that have been lost in sweat.  Avoid alcoholic beverages, which can dehydrate members more.



Schedule breaks

Encourage members to start slowly and pick up the pace gradually.  Set regular breaks in a cool area or in the shade.


With these considerations, your Lodge can host a successful, safe outdoor event during the summer months.


Have a great and safe summer.