Congress directed V.A. to respond to multiple studies and reports from the Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine (IOM). The final report, February 2016, approved and recommended adding – 5 – conditions that met the rigorous requirements for inclusion as ‘presumptive conditions: 1) Bladder Cancer; 2) Hypothyroidism, 3) Parkinson-like conditions, 4) Stroke and 5) Hypertension. V.A. Secretary promised a decision by “end-of-Summer” 2016.
Agent-Orange exposures have been reported from the following veterans: Vietnam in-country, Blue Water, Guam, Thailand, Cambodia, Korea, USAFR C- 123 crews, logistics related personnel.
In May 2021, the V.A. finally accepted and included – 3 of the 5 – new recommended conditions to the list of ‘approved presumptive conditions’:
1) Bladder Cancer 2) Hypothyroidism 3) Parkinsonism
To qualify for Agent-Orange related benefits, a veterans must demonstrate diagnosis of one or more presumptive conditions:
- Chloracne
- Diabetes Melitus Type 2
- Parkinson’s Disease
- schemic Heart Disease
- Hodgkin’s Disease
- Chronic B-Cell Leukemia
- Multiple Myeloma
- Early-Onset Peripheral Neuropathy
- AL Amyloidosis
- Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
- Prostate Cancer
- Respiratory Cancers
- Bladder Cancer
- Soft Tissue Sarcomas
- Hypothyroidism
- Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
- Parkinsonism
- Hypertension
What happened to Stroke and Hypertension which were also recommended? This is reported to be a budget-based decision that will just cost too much; and so, are not considered essential at-this-time. Should we consider joining other veterans organizations seeking/ encouraging reconsideration?
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Submit YOUR INFO, Suggestions, Problems, Ideas, Requests to AmVetNet@yahoo .com