Sometime in the early 70’s we were at a District 23 board meeting and a discussion came up about having a place set aside in one of the local cemeteries for deceased Moose members and their families. We had heard of the Masons, Elks and several other organizations having a place dedicated to their deceased members, so why not a Moose Lawn? A discussion was held as to which cemetery we contact. It was decided that El Camino Memorial & Memorial Park within San Diego, CA was close by and would fit our needs. A committee was formed and El Camino was contacted since they were in the early stages of their development. It was decided that one thousand grave sites up on the hill below the mausoleum on the left as you enter the cemetery would serve our purposes. A plot of ground with a heart-shaped road would enclose our one thousand grave sites. Upon the sale of 100 grave sites, the cemetery would begin to grade the hill and make our wishes come true. But the times were hard and money short. We missed our goal. So another meeting was held with the officers of the cemetery and it was decided that they would exchange the 1000 undeveloped sites for 600 sites in an area already graded and ready for use as we had the remains of several members ready for burial. The Moose Lawn is for Moose members and their families of District 23. Every Memorial Day at 8am District 23 Moose members place Moose memorial flags and American flags next to all of the Moose graves.